Tuesday 11 May 2010

How it all started

I guess the pivotal moment was an accident due to this chap here
In true Brussels style he crashed his crappy car into a traffic island during the night and -as he was either drunk , stoned or both- pushed it to the side. Obviously not caring about the four litres of oil that were spilled out of the guts of his car. Oil that was now on the street. Unknown to the fire brigade or the cops. Ready for the next morning - in a slow right turn.

The next morning

Next morning I arrive, without a care in the world. Happy to be at the office 25 minutes after leaving home. It was a cold(ish) but bright and sunny day. I was supposed to welcome a new team member, who was going to be the Business Object guru for my project. And I was nearly an hour ahead of schedule - as finally our morning routines had kicked in. 25 km/h, mild right turn, 300 m to go to the office


Why am I lying on the side ? Why did I fall down ? There was no ice! What is that pain ? Why is my right ankle three times its normal size ?

Why are those cars beeping and yelling at me to get out of their way (but more of that later) ?

Because our friend, Mr Twingo, had spilled an oil stain of epic proportions. More of a lake actually.

I let you be the judge of the stain

So off to the hospital I guess.

Brussels fire brigade was great though. Great sense of humour and they even brought the bike to the hospital too. Mind you the hospital was across the road. Nonetheless : 50.75 € for the ambulance.

Diagnosis : broken ankle bone (Weber A with minimal displacement). Cast. Crutches. Six-eight weeks off. Right - just started a new job and in trial period. Just what the doctor ordered.

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